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VPI Engineering ESD Floor ESD Flooring Installation by United SCP

VPI Engineering ESD Floor ESD Flooring Installation by United SCP by VPI Engineering ESD Floor ESD Flooring Installation by United SCP - United Static Control Products

ted in Salt Lake City Utah provides a wide range of engineering services for developing electronics and mechanical systems and products. From complete product development to support for existing projects VPI is a leader in Advanced Engineering Services including electrical, mechanical, software and manufacturing engineering.

VPI understands the importance of quality and reliability! As such, ESD flooring is a MUST. Following an extensive review of various static control flooring options they selected the ElectraGuard High Gloss ESD Flooring System paired with a professional installation from United Static Control Products.

Project Final

United SCP is a leader in ESD flooring installations – we should be. We’ve installed, tested and Certified ESD floors since 1994! And, with ElectraGuard you’ll never find a better hard surface floor for the money. It’s robust and provides mission critical static control properties that interface well with carts, drag chains and personnel. ElectraGuard floors (with the proper preparation) are seamless for easy maintenance. They look great and more importantly they never EVER fail an ESD Audit! We’ve documented the daily work in progress to help you better understand what goes into one of these floors. This floor is approximately 50,000 square feet (we are focusing on a small area for better photo clarity).


Electrical Resistivity to Ground (RTG)

Testing per ANSI / ESD S20.20-2014, S7.1

Environmental Conditions: 24.1 rH, 68.1o F (avg.) @ 10 VDC

Minimum: 1.37E05 Maximum: 3.66E05

Median: 2.64E05 Average: 2.52E05